…Because pursuits in this mortal world is vain. The quest for that which is larger than life, diminishes entirely and eventually. Associating thoughts with objects only translates to bondage, that which places shackles on one’s heart and subsequently on the purpose of his/ her existence.
I am not saying that pursuing success or wealth is wrong. In its own right it is healthy and gives us reason enough to work hard. However what’s wrong, is this largely burgeoning desire to squeeze one’s life to the very last drop, failing-in the bargain- to notice how fulfilling that very life would’ve been, had one let go and shared all that had been acquired so far- knowledge, warmth, shelter and of course, love.
You can’t gratify your bodily senses and neglect your own soul. Much more than your lust for alloy wheels or patent leather pumps, is the need for your soul to live in freedom. In Matthew 16: 26, Jesus tells his disciples – “..And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? (NLT)”
So what good is it, to hold on to that which is of this world? Fleeting and bound by an expiry date?
Ambition will cave in once your 85. Iron will rust 20 years from now. Colours will fade from the favourite corner of your room. The buoy that we find our boat tied on to will, eventually be wind worn and washed away.
However you don’t have to look very far to find the anchor that will hold your ground if you find yourself in the eye of the storm. Look up to Him and find Love. A love that conquers and gives you the power to heal, the power to progress, the power to purify, the power to be free and the power to give. Embrace life that is purposed by God’s grace and love; seek His favour in all you do and count your many blessings, that He will unceasingly send your way.
I am not saying that pursuing success or wealth is wrong. In its own right it is healthy and gives us reason enough to work hard. However what’s wrong, is this largely burgeoning desire to squeeze one’s life to the very last drop, failing-in the bargain- to notice how fulfilling that very life would’ve been, had one let go and shared all that had been acquired so far- knowledge, warmth, shelter and of course, love.
You can’t gratify your bodily senses and neglect your own soul. Much more than your lust for alloy wheels or patent leather pumps, is the need for your soul to live in freedom. In Matthew 16: 26, Jesus tells his disciples – “..And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? (NLT)”
So what good is it, to hold on to that which is of this world? Fleeting and bound by an expiry date?
Ambition will cave in once your 85. Iron will rust 20 years from now. Colours will fade from the favourite corner of your room. The buoy that we find our boat tied on to will, eventually be wind worn and washed away.
However you don’t have to look very far to find the anchor that will hold your ground if you find yourself in the eye of the storm. Look up to Him and find Love. A love that conquers and gives you the power to heal, the power to progress, the power to purify, the power to be free and the power to give. Embrace life that is purposed by God’s grace and love; seek His favour in all you do and count your many blessings, that He will unceasingly send your way.
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