Saturday, May 14, 2011


I am the river, and not a sea.
Standing so still, also a tree.
Planted by these waters, I have borne fruit-
Of knowledge of evil and of the good.

But in my mind, battles have waged.
Swords are raised and kingdoms invade.
Many..Too much and far away.
Distant, forlorn...
Addressed to fray.

Written in darkness, on pages so white.
This- a feeling
A fight.

Blotches of ink spread and smeared.
Stains- they darken and I disappear.

But by the waters I sit and take form.
Changing course and calming the storm.
Branches- they sway and swing to the tunes,
Of songs I sing; I learnt from you.

With ways and courses now so steered,
I will take charge.
I promise you this.
My wings wil grow,
As Time does heal.
And I will fly
above the seas.

So shall I soar,
To newer heights.
Beyond the clouds,
Into bluer skies.

But wait on the tree,
As it brings forth-
Wisdom and Sanity-
Now and evermore.